Women’s Special: Sanaa Vasi, Triace Printers – Being innovative, imaginative and original
08 March 2021: Triace, which has recently completed 50 years (established in 1970) is specialised in innovative, value-added printing, packaging, innovations in visibility solutions and security seal stickers. Sanaa Vasi has a degree in Mass Media. Her passion includes learning new skills/ habits to better herself, using her energies to create more than she consumes, writing, art journaling and dancing. She is also an active eco-enthusiast and works towards living an intentional, organic, minimalist, mindful, resourceful and sustainable existence. Over to Sanaa:
I joined immediately after my final degree exams; I did not get the time to think much, which worked in my favour. What motivated me to stay in it for the long term is the responsibility entrusted to me, my curiosity and interest I had in the packaging field, and my newly discovered flair for marketing. I thrive on the opportunity to deal and network with the top management of some of the most reputed companies in the country. I love marketing and I am passionate about my products, so I can market them with conviction and honesty.
I have a creative background which makes me value technical competence even more. I find it challenging. The genius and utility behind technology in general interests me. But, printing is a very creative field as well. I find the value-added capabilities that screen printing facilitates to be very exciting as you have to be innovative, imaginative and original to thrive in today’s day and age.
I believe it is good if you have studied printing, but practical knowledge is more important than theory in this field. Fortunately for me, my dad has been an institution in himself, so whatever I have learnt is on the job in the past 13 years. Also, the interest and passion for the subject is the biggest driving force to learn more.
I initially thought that it might be a problem for people to take me seriously because of my gender and also my age. But, fortunately, it was never a problem for me. Furthermore, now with an experience of so many years in this industry, I have realized that it does not matter at all whether you are a man or woman as long as you know your subject thoroughly, you are a good listener and you can make people trust you as well as your work. If not printing, I would be in any field which is related to public speaking as that is where my core skills lie.
It is my good fortune to be working alongside my father. It is a blessing for any daughter to be able to help and create value in their father’s life. I will continue to give my 100% to my father’s company to pay my debt of gratitude to him even after marriage.
Valuing the wisdom and capabilities of women is critical to the development of any organization. Organizations where women are full, contributing participants are open and energized by a wide range of ideas and approaches. This is apparent in the business world, where trends show that corporations that actively embrace diversity are more creative, responsive and profitable.
Embracing diversity does more than assuring the protection of individual rights. Bringing together the intelligence and perspectives of a wide range of people unleashes new creative energies, enabling an organisation as a whole to move forward in a richly harmonious manner. In this sense also, empowering women is crucial.
Women would appear to be particularly adept at bringing a patient, focused and flexible approach to the resolution of complex problems. The wisdom and power of women-their attentive commitment to reality, their care and concern for the people in their immediate surroundings, their capacity to treasure life itself-must be fully reflected throughout society. Only then will we see solid progress toward the resolution of critical global problems and the realization of peace. To this end, a revolution in men’s consciousness is essential. Women and men should work together in relations of mutual respect to forge a new path for future generations. Together we can create an era in which all people are valued for their humanity, as unique and irreplaceable manifestations of life. This will be an era in which we will all enjoy the full richness of human diversity.
Hamid Vasi, underlines, “Of course, a daughter is also to be groomed as a next successor to the family business. I firmly believe family-owned firms need to encourage their daughters to join their businesses and take it forward. It is when you are in the industry that you realize that the issue of gender is not as big as people make it out to be. Women should not be worried about their gender being typecast as weaker or more fragile – the idea of a male-dominated industry with a glass ceiling is usually in your head. Work on your weaknesses but more importantly, cherish your strengths. This industry is always in a state of flux so if you feel you have it in you to be part of it – gender no bar – then give it your everything!”