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HomeHighlightsVFP Ink Technologies Participates in ELIPPSE Project: A Unique Worldwide IME Technology

VFP Ink Technologies Participates in ELIPPSE Project: A Unique Worldwide IME Technology

07 July 2021: Over the last four years, the consortium Elippse brought together French value chain dedicated to structural electronics, design and manufacturing of IME Plastronic Products to develop a unique worldwide IME Technology. Behind this technological breakthrough, several challenges have been overcome to integrate functional films with printed electronics and surface mounted devices (SMD) into 3D plastic part with complex geometry.

Imagine if we were able to …..
# Miniaturize devices ?
# Implement electronics on 3D plastic parts ?
# Merge electronics and mechanical functionalities for size, weight and cost ?

Thanks to Elippse Consortium, that is possible from now on !

Elippse project open-up new opportunities for industries such as automotive, medical & healthcare, robotics, electronics and many other industries

Main Participating Members of Elippse Project …..
# Schneider Electric coordinated the project and the design methodologies for IME
# VFP Ink Technologies formulated a high stretchable conductive ink compatible with 3D IME manufacturing process
# Arc en Ciel Sérigraphie designed and screen-printed multi-functional films.
# PLASTIFORM SAS developed functional film thermoforming process to achieve complex 3D shapes
# IPC Centre Technique Industriel de la Plasturgie et des Composites developed the overmolding process for the integration of printed electronics films
# École des Mines de Saint-Étienne evaluated functional methods for IME 3D parts to ensure performances and reliability.
# LaMCoS developed the modeling of the thermorforming process adapted to the printed electronics

This project has been co-funded by the European Union within the framework of the European Regional Development Fund, Bpifrance Région Bourgogne-Franche-Comté

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