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HomeBusinessUFlex’s Learning Academy Set Up to Undertake Upskilling of Workforce

UFlex’s Learning Academy Set Up to Undertake Upskilling of Workforce

09 November 2021: UFLEX Ltd, India’s Largest Multinational in Flexible Packaging Materials & Solutions and a Global Polymer Science company, has unveiled their ambitious UFlex Learning Academy to address the issues of complexity and short shelf life of knowledge. UFlex Learning Academy will work as a platform for specialization and growth of the company’s human capital.

Recently UFlex Global President (HR) Chandan Chattaraj spoke to ‘HRKatha’ portal about 25% increase in headcount globally since the pandemic; traversing through hiring challenges and strong Learning and Development (L&D) initiatives. The L&D focuses on upkilling of workforce with unique training programs.

UFlex Learning Academy helps the organisation in preparing its human capital for the challenges that sprout up due to the ever changing nature of printing industry. UFlex employees are trained by best industry minds with years of experience and valuable knowledge that enable its team to step up and take charge of their roles.

“Our leaders are the foundation and driving force for all our learning interventions,” said Chandan Chattaraj, adding, “Through our learning modules and subject matter experts, we strive to create a culture of learning and up-skilling our employees across the organization. We have re-energised our customized programs that will cater to the needs of every individual and give them an opportunity to excel in their career.”

The Academy brings together a range of off-the-shelf digital, blended and classroom courses on a wide range of business-driven subjects, delivered through its secure and accessible online platform. UFlex’s each Wing Champion will provide guidance, under their wing, to the Academy. They will lead the change with strategic learning initiatives and share their insights and domain experience that will help the Academy conceptualize business specific as well as cross business workshops and learning programs. The Wing Champions will craft an immersive learning journey for individuals and businesses through a practitioner’s perspective. Each wing will work in a structured manner to ensure learning opportunity is not missed and every employee is well aware of his/her learning journey in UFlex.

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