Toyo Ink Group Releasese Integrated Report 2022
29 September 2022: Toyo Ink SC Holdings Co., Ltd., the parent company of the Japan-based specialty chemicals manufacturer Toyo Ink Group, has released the Toyo Ink Group Integrated Report 2022 for the reporting period of 01 January 2021 to 31st December 2021. The 80-page Report provides an integrated and easy-to-understand summary of the Group’s management plans, business strategies, corporate governance and environmental and social initiatives, with the aim of providing stakeholders with a comprehensive picture of the Group’s operations.
Commenting on the occasion, Satoru Takashima, Group CEO, President and Representative Director, said “For more than 120 years since its founding, the Toyo Ink Group has contributed to enriching life and culture of people around the world. Going forward, we will continue to engage in innovation and tackle new challenges while continuing to inherit the spirit of our founding, so that all stakeholders who have chosen the Toyo Ink Group can be confident that they made the best choice. I hope that you will continue to have high expectations for the growth of the Toyo Ink Group, which aims to be a company that contributes to a new era through the enrichment of life and culture.”
In this year’s report, in addition to enhancing its value creation story, the Group has responded to the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) recommendations and disclosed an increased amount of details regarding the Toyo Ink Group Sustainability Vision TSV2050/2030. Announced in February 2022, the TSV2050/2030 is a basic vision for the promotion of an array of sustainability initiatives including concrete targets for reducing CO2 emissions arising from its manufacturing activities to net-zero by 2050.
The Toyo Ink Group was founded in 1896. The business activities of Toyo Ink Group are divided into four segments, the Colorants and Functional Materials Business, the Polymers and Coatings Business, the Packaging Materials Business, and the Printing and Information Business. Group companies work globally within these businesses with three core operating companies, Toyocolor Co., Ltd., Toyochem Co., Ltd. and Toyo Ink Co., Ltd. playing central roles. The Toyo Ink Group has been engaged in the printing ink business. It has remained one of our mainstay businesses. Taking advantage of our strengths in integrated production, from raw materials such as pigments and resins down to end-products, we develop a diverse array of products, including sustainability-enhancing products and highly functional UV curing inks.
In order to adapt to the rapidly changing business environment, the Toyo Ink Group is working to achieve the goals of its long-term corporate vision that target year is 2027, Scientific Innovation Chain 2027 (SIC27) by implementing three-year medium-term management plans.