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HomeBusinessToppan Wins Bronze at 6th Asia Sustainability Reporting Awards

Toppan Wins Bronze at 6th Asia Sustainability Reporting Awards

22 May 2021: Toppan Printing (Toppan), a global leader in communication, security, packaging, décor materials and electronics solutions, has won a Bronze in Environmental Reporting at the 6th Asia Sustainability Reporting Awards (ASRA), the most prestigious international awards for corporate reporting.

The winners were revealed in an exclusive event hosted virtually in Singapore due to the ongoing pandemic. Broadcast live, the virtual awards ceremony was attended by more than 250 senior business leaders and sustainability practitioners from 20 countries.

ASRA follows a rigorous multi-tier evaluation process. An independent judging panel determines finalists and winners. Evaluation involves three rounds of assessment to select the very best in each award category.

The panel of judges reviewed 494 entries received from 17 countries across 19 award categories. After the preliminary evaluations, 102 companies from 14 countries made it to the finals. Intensely contested finals produced 39 winners grabbing 57 gold, silver and bronze medals and a Report of the Year award.

“Toppan’s report shows exceptional leadership in transparent reporting of its sustainability performance and reflects its readiness for a resilient future,” said Rajesh Chhabara, managing director of CSRWorks International and the founder of ASRA.

“We are delighted to receive this award from ASRA,” said Fumie Ikeda, General Manager of Sustainability Promotion at Toppan. “Toppan has set out digital and sustainable transformation as its vision for the future, and recognition of our sustainability reporting shows that we are moving in the right direction in our efforts to help shape a sustainable society.”

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