Toppan and NICT Establish World’s First Technology for Equipping Smart Card Systems
25 October 2022: In today’s information-driven society, internet-based services such as email, online shopping, cashless transactions, and digital application forms are securely protected by digital signatures, authentication, and key exchange based on public-key cryptography as well as by data encryption based on symmetric-key cryptography. However, there is a risk, however, that cryptosystems widely used today will be vulnerable to attacks from quantum computers, a field in which R&D is moving at a rapid pace. Preparations are underway for migration to post-quantum cryptography that will be difficult to decipher even after quantum computers come into practical use. This migration is expected to progress on an unprecedented scale from 2025 onwards.
Against this background, Toppan , a global leader in communication, security, packaging, décor materials, and electronics solutions and National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) have developed PQC CARD, the world’s first smart card equipped with post-quantum cryptography, which is difficult for even a quantum computer to crack. The organizations have also successfully confirmed effectiveness by applying PQC CARD to control access to H-LINCOS, a system for the secure long-term storage and exchange of healthcare data.
Toppan and the NICT will take advantage of this technology to advance development of quantum secure cloud technology5 that enables the secure communication, storage, and use of highly sensitive information. Going beyond smart card security, the two organizations will also target the establishment of safe and secure social infrastructure based on the creation of fundamental technologies that ensure security for day-to-day internet-based activities, including email, online shopping, cashless transactions, and online banking.
Part of the research was supported by two Japanese government programs: the Cabinet Office’s Cross-ministerial Strategic Innovation Promotion Program (SIP) “Photonics and Quantum Technology for Society 5.0” and the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications’ Research and Development for Construction of a Global Quantum Cryptography Network (JPJ008957).
Toppan aims to launch full-scale provision of PQC CARD and related systems in 2030, with limited practical use in sectors such as healthcare and finance in 2025. In collaboration with the NICT, Toppan will leverage the technology developed to drive the practical use of quantum secure cloud technology that enables the secure communication, storage, and use of highly sensitive information. The two organizations also intend to apply and expand the adoption of post-quantum cryptography beyond smart cards, as a fundamental technology for security on the internet, including email, online shopping, cashless transactions, and online banking as well as IoT systems and connected cars, for which technology is being established using existing cryptography methods.