Screen Print India Magazine

Screen Print India Magazine

A Premier Magazine on Screen Printing, Textile Printing, Digital Printing
HomePosts Tagged "Saati"

17 May 2023: 170 participants attended 9th edition of GlassPrint. The conference and tabletop exhibition brought together an international audience from all walks of glass decoration. 20 presentations

08 April 2023: Can using yellow safelights through screen making area improve reclaim results ? - 100%. Failure to use safe light wavelengths results in some pre-exposure of

28 October 2022: Amidst the growing might of digital printing technology, often it is perceived that screen printing market is somewhat facing a big threat and may lose

13 August 2022: SAATI S.p.A. (SAATI) has announced that SAATI Advanced Chemicals LLC, a newly formed company fully owned by SAATI’s USA subsidiary, SAATI Americas Corp, on August

19 February 2021: SAATI SpA and CST GMBH have announced the establishment of a joint venture to further expand their long-standing relationship, strengthening their combined resources to support

29 October 2020: In the recently concluded Printing United Annual competition, Saati Americas won Product of the Year Award in the Screen Printing Pre-press (Exposure/Imaging) category. The Award

28 October 2020: Saati Americas has introduced their Saati Express, a web portal with easy access to the technical information and easy purchase options for Saati Americas screen