Screen Print India Magazine

Screen Print India Magazine

A Premier Magazine on Screen Printing, Textile Printing, Digital Printing
HomePosts Tagged "Print4All"

08 June 2022: 246 companies and 20,922 operators: these are the numbers that concluded the second edition of Print4All, from 3 to 6 May at Fiera Milano, and

14 October 2021: The journey towards Print4All 2022, the event to be held at Fiera Milano from 03-06 May, continues, marked by numerous meetings and training events organised

13 March 2021: The appointment is at Fiera Milano from 03-06 May 2022, but Print4All, the event dedicated to the world of printing and converting, is already on

14 July 2020: Print4All changes date. The appointment is now in Fiera Milano (Italy) from 3 to 6 May 2022. The postponement of several European trade fair events