Screen Print India Magazine

Screen Print India Magazine

A Premier Magazine on Screen Printing, Textile Printing, Digital Printing
HomePosts Tagged "Print Pack India"

18 December 2021: Indian Printing Packaging & Allied Machinery Manufacturers’ Association (IPAMA) flagship event 15th PRINTPACK INDIA Exhibition will be held from 11-15 March 2022 at India Expo

30 November 2021: The booking of space for participation in 15th PrintPack India 2022 is open for the companies. The Indian Printing Packaging & Allied Machinery Manufacturers’ Association

27 October 2021: The elections were held for electing the Governing Council Members of Indian Printing Packaging & Allied Machinery Manufacturers’ Association (IPAMA),for the term 2021-2023. The election

24 November 2020: A recent survey by the Indian Printing Packaging and Allied Machinery Manufacturers’ Association (IPAMA) reveals that although the exhibitors are demanding postponement of the PrintPack