Screen Print India Magazine

Screen Print India Magazine

A Premier Magazine on Screen Printing, Textile Printing, Digital Printing
HomePosts Tagged "Handloom"

09 December 2021: Government has been implementing the Handlooms (Reservation of Articles for Production) Act, 1985 for production of reserved items only on Handlooms and to protect the

11 October 2021: As per recent news reports, the government has cleared an incentive scheme for attracting private investments into the labour-intensive textiles sector with a focus on

17 Febaruary 2021: Government is considering promotion of Man-Made Fibres (MMF) and Technical Textile under Production Linked Incentive (PLI) scheme. Ministry of Textiles is contemplating a New Textile

05 November 2020: India’s merchandise exports in October 2020 were USD 24.82 billion, as compared to USD 26.23 billion in October 2019, showing a fall of 5.4%. Exports