Screen Print India Magazine

Screen Print India Magazine

A Premier Magazine on Screen Printing, Textile Printing, Digital Printing
HomePosts Tagged "Boston Industrial Solutions"

14 April 2023: Boston Industrial Solutions has Introduced Natron™ SilTex™ HD Series silicone ink is a two-component multipurpose screen-printing silicone ink for textile, fabric and leather. This ink

24 August 2022: Boston Industrial Solutions, Inc., announces the launch of Natron-SilTex AS Series screen printing silicone inks for socks and gloves. This silicone ink line has an

04 August 2021: Leading US Ink manufacturing company, Boston Industrial Solutions, Inc. has introduced an all-purpose 1- or 2 component pad printing ink for plastic substrates the Natron

13 April 2021: Boston Industrial Solutions introduces the Natron SE 315HD Hyper yellow. This new high-opacity color is ideal for pad printing and screen printing on many silicone

02 February 2021: Ink manufacturing company, Boston Industrial Solutions, Inc. introduces a single component glass primer ideal for many applications including UV inkjet printing. The Natron™ G1 Primer

29 August 2020: Boston Industrial Solutions, Inc. of USA has introduces a one component Polypropylene adhesive primer. The Natron™ PP Primer is formulated for UV inkjet printing, pad

20 July 2020: Ink manufacturing tech company, Boston Industrial Solutions, Inc. introduces the Volta™ S150 screen printer machine - a single color semiautomatic tabletop screen printing machine for

30 June 2020: Boston Industrial Solutions Inc., USA  is pleased to announce new partnership with Real Pad Printers in New Delhi. Real Pad Printers will be suppliers of