Screen Print India Magazine

Screen Print India Magazine

A Premier Magazine on Screen Printing, Textile Printing, Digital Printing
HomePosts Tagged "Barcelona"

02 June 2023: Tarsus Group, organizer of Labelexpo Global Series, has announced that Labelexpo Europe will move from its current location at Brussels Expo to Barcelona Fira for

23 March 2022: IMI Europe announces the return to face-to-face events with Digital Print Europe 2022. The event will be held at the Novotel Barcelona City Hotel, Barcelona,

02 September 2021: IMI Europe Digital Printing Conference 2021 is the strategic business and technical conference for the digital inkjet printing industry. It includes market briefings from leading

01 September 2021: Autonomous cars will match or exceed human safety by 2024, after which they will grow rapidly at a CAGR of 30% finds IDTechEx's new report

02 July 2021: It's called YouCare and is the new remote health monitoring service, based on a revolutionary new wearable technology, totally textile, washable and easy to use. This

03 March 2021: ITMA, the world’s largest textile and garment technology exhibition, will be held at Fiera Milano Rho, Milan, from 8 to 14 June 2023. And stand

01 February 2021: The 19th edition of ITMA 2023 will be held from 8 to 14 June 2023 at Fiera Milano Rho, Milan. According to the organizers, space

18 November 2020: Flint Group Packaging Inks, a leading supplier of ink and coatings to the global packaging industry, has announced its investment in a newly optimised Regional

07 October 2020: Despite a difficult economic context Encres DUBUIT continues to innovate and support these customers. After LED ink, non CMR for direct printing on glass. Here