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HomeBusinessSri Lanka is at the Forefront of ‘Sustainable Clothing’

Sri Lanka is at the Forefront of ‘Sustainable Clothing’

18 October 2023: Sri Lanka, renowned for its proficiency in manufacturing exclusive and specialized garments, is now prioritizing the augmentation of its capability to fabricate environmentally sustainable clothes utilizing organic fibres, with adherence to regulatory standards being a crucial aspect. The Joint Apparel Association (JAAF) has observed a rise in Sri Lankan enterprises acquiring Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS), which signifies a growing recognition within the sector of embracing international best practices and sustainable manufacturing. Ganesh Kasekar, South Asian Representative of the Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS), has disclosed that there has been a significant rise of 78% in the number of certified facilities in Sri Lanka as compared to the previous year of 2022. Presently, 136 companies in Sri Lanka have obtained GOTS certification.

Withi Sri Lankan business landscape, several prominent domestic garment firms, namely Hirdaramani International Exports, MAS Intimates and Brandix, have successfully acquired Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) certification. This certification attests to their commitment to sustainable practices in manufacturing several clothing categories, encompassing children’s, ladies’, men’s, and infants’s. The Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) is widely acknowledged as the foremost processing standard on a global scale for textiles that are produced using organic fibres.

The attainment of GOTS certification through an authorized certifying body grants enterprises the privilege to engage in the GOTS program, which encompasses utilizing the GOTS standard and the GOTS emblem on certified items. The Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) version 7.0 was introduced in March 2023, and it mandates that all certified companies fully comply with its requirements by March 2024.

Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) encompasses the production process, incorporating three fundamental principles: social responsibility, environmental sustainability, and ethical business practices. According to Kasekar, a mere assertion of sustainability is insufficient.

The accreditation shows a company’s dedication to delivering sustainable, ethical, and superior products to stakeholders, partners, and consumers. To obtain a GOTS certification, textile items must have a minimum of 70% organic fibres, which signifies a dedication to utilizing environmentally sustainable materials. Furthermore, the utilization of chemical inputs is subject to rigorous criteria, which guarantee that dyestuffs and auxiliaries adhere to demanding environmental and toxicological regulations.

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