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HomeAssociationsSpecialist Print Community to Meets for an ESMA Networking Day in Wuppertal

Specialist Print Community to Meets for an ESMA Networking Day in Wuppertal

20 July 2023: In partnership with the International Association of Research Organisations for the Information, Media and Graphic Arts Industries (IARIGAI), University of Wuppertal and SPS TechnoScreen, ESMA organises its first Networking Day. An event full of discussions, technical demonstrations and most importantly networking moments, takes place on 20th of September 2023 and is open to all involved in specialist printing.

“After a forced hiatus in face-to-face events, we are happy to return with a new meeting opportunity for both ESMA members and non-members,” says Peter Buttiens, CEO of ESMA. “This Networking Day will feature diverse and exciting subjects, as well as print demonstrations.”

Wednesday, the 20th of September will open at the University of Wuppertal with two keynote presentations. Dr Daniel Bohn from the Print and Media Technology Faculty will talk about “The new way to get your talents: How to improve cooperation between industry and academia”. Philipp Hoelzl from the company Elantas will follow with a talk on printed wearable electronics for medical applications.

“The Networking Day is collocated with 49th International Conference on Advances in Print and Media Technology which starts on 18th of September,” explains Sandra Rosalen, Senior Researcher at University of Wuppertal. “It is a highly anticipated forum for the latest research in print systems, material science and market applications. We are looking forward to fruitful exchanges between academia and industry.”

Networking will continue at facilities of SPS TechnoScreen, an ESMA member and a leading manufacturer of screen printing systems. Their machine park live demonstrations will include printed electronics, R2R screen printing and a combination of digital and screen processes.

Apart from SPS, other print suppliers will also present their expertise at a small tabletop exhibition set up for the duration of the event. The day will close with an evening reception during which Heinz Brocker (ex-Gallus) will be awarded the title of ESMA Honourable Ambassador.

Print service providers, OEMs, suppliers and all those involved with industrial, functional or specialist print applications are welcome at ESMA Networking Day on the 20th of September 2023 in Wuppertal.

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