Screen Print India Magazine

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HomeBusinessSaati Americas introduces Saati Express to offer Screen Printing Products at Any Time

Saati Americas introduces Saati Express to offer Screen Printing Products at Any Time

28 October 2020: Saati Americas has introduced their Saati Express, a web portal with easy access to the technical information and easy purchase options for Saati Americas screen printing products. The portal offers round the clock access to Saati’s world-Class Screen Printing Products.

Saati Express offers the best products in the Saati screen printing portfolio, and offers entire product packages as well. Customers can jump back and forth between the point of purchase and the technical data, and make own informed decisions about how to increase efficiency or raise the quality of prints!

Customers can browse the selection, organized in order of use – starting with Stretched Screens and Mesh Panels, Pre-Press Chemicals, Emulsion & Film, Screen Making Equipment, QC Devices, Squeegee and finishing with Saati’s world class suite of Reclaim Chemistry, many of which are sustainably produced and custom-formulated by an application.

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