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HomeAssociationsROQ wins Products of the Year Award

ROQ wins Products of the Year Award

21 October 2020: ROQ (earlier known as S. Roque) has won PRINTING United Alliance’s 2020 Product of the Year award for its Packing and Folding lines, under the category of Automation Equipment packaging (post-print). PRINTING United Alliance is the largest and most comprehensive member-based printing and graphic arts association in the United States. The award-winning solutions were produced by PRINTING United Alliance member suppliers and are available for sale in 2020. Over 200 entries were submitted across 85 categories. Other than automatic textile printing machinery line, ROA also manufactures Fold, Bag, Pack, Label and Stacking equipment especially for the garment industry. ROQ is represented in India by Spoorthi Technologies, led by Ramesh Ganduri. So, these folding and packing machinery is being supplied in India by Spoorthi Technologies.

The ROQ FOLD equipment folds any kind and/or shape of garment such as: T-shirts (with or without sleeves), sweat shirts, polos (long or short sleeve), trousers, skirts, dresses, etc. The secret to this flexibility is its 3 folding stations, sleeves, body and final fold. ROQFOLD has 2 configurations, with 3 folding stations or without“the sleeves folding station, making the machine to occupy less space in the shop. This configuration is advised to fold t-shirts only. The ROQFOLD is ready to be coupled with ROQ’s automatic packaging line: ROQBAG or ROQPACK. One operator runs the machine from the loading station. With a processing speed of 700 pieces/hour the ROQFOLD is one of the fasters machines on the market.

On the other hand, ROQPACK is designed to pack different types of garments. The machine receives the folded garment and creates a complete bag made out of 2 rolls of plastic. The bag is done through a flawless plastic welding system, it has an automatic system for collecting the plastic waste and allows and unlimited bag length. It can be coupled with the ROQFOLD and the ROQLABEL, in line or at a 90º angle depending on the available space. It comes with several options for air removal from the bag. It can create a flap bag or weld it directly. The ROQPACK has a maximum processing speed of 1,200 pieces per hour.

Meanwhile, ROQ US has also won Product of the Year Award under Screen Printing-Post-Press (Clean and Reclaim) category for their Lotus Holland EVO Compact Auto Screen Reclaim.

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