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HomeAssociationsRaveendra Joshi, New President of AIFMP, New Office Bearers Elected for 2022-23

Raveendra Joshi, New President of AIFMP, New Office Bearers Elected for 2022-23

06 October 2022: Raveendra Joshi, Director of United Multicolour Printers (P) Ltd., Pune, has been elected as the President of All India Federation of Master Printers (AIFMP) for the year 2022-23. The 69th Annual General Body Meeting and the Election of Office Bearers for the year 2022-2023 of were held on Saturday, 24th September 2022 in Kochi, Kerala. And, during the Meeting, the new team of AIFMP’s Office Bearers were elected for the year 2022-23.

Established in the year 1953. AIFMP is the apex body of 2.5 lakhs Printers in this country employing around 15 lakhs persons directly and 10 lakhs indirectly. AIFMP draws its strength from 82 Regional associations spread all over the country, which are affiliated to it.

The other elected Office Bearers of AIFMP for 2022-23 are: Hon. General Secretary: Raghabendra N. Dutta Baruah, Seven Stars Publications (P) Ltd., Guwahati; Hon. Treasurer: K. Rajendran, Vignesh Offset, Chennai; Vice-President (North): Nitin Narula, Colourbar Communications, New Delhi; Vice-President (East): Bidyut Ranjan Nag, Nag Offset, Agartala; Vice President (West) Anant Vishwanath Joshi, Pune; Vice-President (South): K. Kumarasamy, Kumaraswamy Printing Press, Tirupur; Hon. Joint Secretary: Rahul Mahajan, Narendera Publishing House; Immediate Past-President: P. Chander, Artisan Company, Chennai.

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