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HomeAssociationsPRINTING United Digital Experience to span over 14 days – from Oct. 26 through Nov. 12 2020

PRINTING United Digital Experience to span over 14 days – from Oct. 26 through Nov. 12 2020

12 September 2020: PRINTING United Alliance, producer of the PRINTING United Digital Experience, which replaces this year’s in-person Expo, will take place from October 26 to November 12 2020. The multifaceted online experience spans 14 action-packed days of carefully curated keynotes, educational programming, and worldwide product launches and demonstrations being offered at no charge to attendees, as the industry moves toward recovery in 2021.

Segment-based content sessions that focus on apparel, digital textile, industrial, graphics/wide-format, commercial, packaging, and mailing and fulfillment have already garnered attention from printers around the globe. The platform includes a wealth of information and insight from leading analysts, researchers, subject matter experts, OEMs, and suppliers. This robust combination creates a unique educational experience for printers to best understand the current landscape, optimize recovery, and see the latest technology to drive their businesses forward. In a time when these types of rich experiences have not been possible, PRINTING United Alliance is mission-driven to ensure it is delivering on its promise to be the go-to place for all things related to printing.

Mark J. Subers, President of PRINTING United said “The excitement continues to mount as more and more partners sign up to join us for this event. We are looking forward to bringing this industry the best online Expo they will experience in 2020.”

PRINTING United Alliance also unveiled its newest program and resource available to the industry: the PRINTING United Alliance Speakers Bureau. The Speakers Bureau is comprised of the widespread talent now together under one roof after Specialty Graphic Imaging Association, NAPCO Media and Printing Industries of America officially united as PRINTING United Alliance. A dedicated page on the PRINTING United Alliance website highlights the Alliance staff members who frequently speak at industry events, along with their industry experience and topics they frequently speak to. The site is easily accessible and centralized to streamline requests for these Alliance staff members to participate in future events, both online and in person.

Ford Bowers, President and CEO, PRINTING United Alliance. “We are hoping that, by building this Bureau and accompanying site, those looking to work with us to secure these talented individuals for their own engagements moving forward will find that process easier than ever.”

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