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HomeHighlights“Printed Sensor Market Is Projected to Reach $4.5bn by 2030” : IDTechEx Report

“Printed Sensor Market Is Projected to Reach $4.5bn by 2030” : IDTechEx Report

18 July 2020: When considering the prospects of an emerging technology, it is easy to make broad-brush claims. For example, stating that ‘greater numbers of connected devices, commonly referred to as the Internet of Things (IoT), will increase demand for printed sensors’ seems an uncontroversial statement. However, as in so many areas of life, such a general statement masks a complex underlying landscape. Each technology has different target applications and different adoption barriers, both commercial and technical. As such, real insight requires a far more granular analysis, in which each sensor technology and potential application is considered independently.

IDTechEx report on printed sensors, “Printed and Flexible Sensors 2020-2030: Technologies, Players, Forecasts”, employs this granular approach. It includes chapters on a wide range of printed sensor categories, including organic and hybrid image sensors, piezoresistive and piezoelectric pressure sensors, stretchable strain sensors, temperature sensors, printed electrodes for skin patches, biosensors, ITO alternatives for capacitive touch sensors, and others. The overall market for printed and flexible sensors is forecast to reach $4.5 bn by 2030, with especially rapid growth in hybrid image sensors that will grow from less than $1 m today to around $800 m by 2030. The report as a whole includes over 25 forecast lines covering different technologies and applications and mentions 120 different companies and organisations.

Such an approach reveals a complicated picture, with different technologies at different stages of adoption for different applications. The chart below shows IDTechEx’s assessment of adoption readiness across the full range of printed sensor technologies and applications (each color represents a different technology or application).

The status of each printed sensor technology, between concept and commercialization. For a detailed analysis of each technology and its status on the road to widespread adoption in multiple applications, please see the recent IDTechEx report “Printed and Flexible Sensors 2020-2030: Technologies, Players, Forecasts”.

The new report from IDTechEx, “Printed and Flexible Sensors 2020-2030: Technologies, Players, Forecasts”, provides an extensive overview of the diverse underlying technologies and applications of printed and flexible sensors, covering all the technology and application categories in the above chart. By profiling over 50 companies, IDTechEx map the commercial adoption prospects and challenges for each technology and develop granular market forecasts that span all printed sensor types, technologies, and applications. Our market forecasts cover 30 applications/technologies and are provided in both revenue and printed area.

To find out more about the IDTechEx report, “Printed and Flexible Sensors 2020-2030: Technologies, Players, Forecasts”, please visit or contact us at

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