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HomeAssociationsPlastIndia Foundation Extends Support to PlastIndia International University with Rs.15 Crore

PlastIndia Foundation Extends Support to PlastIndia International University with Rs.15 Crore

23 August 2023: PlastIndia International University, a collaborative effort with the University of Lowell (USA)will play a crucial role in training and nurturing talent for the advancement of the Indian plastic industry. Additionally, the university’s focus on circularity will also contribute to addressing environmental challenges.

PlastIndia Foundation takes immense pride and satisfaction in making a positive impact and creating a lasting legacy. Plastic is an intrinsic part of mankind. The sector’s contribution to GDP is synonymous with India’s growth. The plastic industry is a powerhouse of 85-90% MSMEs, employs about 4 million people and comprises more than 50,000 processing units making it a multi-million dollar industry.

Plastics – One of the fastest growing industries in India, plays a vital role in Indian economy. The next two decades will witness an unprecedented, explosive growth in all sectors of Plastics Industry that demands clear, long term constructive goals and a time bound action program.

Plastindia is an internationally recognized organization, devoted to promoting excellence in the field of Plastics with an aim to make India, a preferred global sourcing base. It supports & encourages development of outstanding institutions, committed to education & research with emphasis on achieving the highest standards of quality in Plastics products & developing effective techniques for their recycling. /

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