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HomeGraphic PrintingPantone’s new Digital Color Platform for Designers

Pantone’s new Digital Color Platform for Designers

16 August 2020: Pantone LLC has released its Pantone Connect, a new digital platform exclusively for designers. With this new platform, designers can access all Pantone Color through a single-user account across mobile, web, and the Adobe Creative Cloud applications. It includes the first ever Pantone Color Match Card, a revolutionary credit card-sized target that calibrates a phone’s camera to capture color from real life, match to Pantone Colors, and then save the color into the designer’s palette workflow, as stated in the media statement of the company.

According to Pantone’s think tanks, with the ongoing digital evolution of design workflows, there has increasingly been a need to close the gap between the physical and digital for designers. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated these challenges by rapidly replacing the collaborative, light-filled and resourceful design studio with virtual chats at living room tables.

According to Nick Bazarian, Senior Product Manager for Pantone Digital Solutions, with the Color Match Card and Pantone Connect app, a designer’s phone has now become a legitimate color capture device to match the physical world more accurately to Pantone Colors, as well as a workflow productivity tool to shorten the color communication process, at a nominal cost.

Pantone plans to continue expanding the platform rapidly through 2020 and 2021, with further integration into the Adobe Creative Cloud ecosystem and other design tool platforms, as well connection to color reader devices from X-Rite, Pantone, and 3rd party Pantone licensee partners.

A Pantone Connect account is still free to register for with all features and platforms accessible as part of Pantone’s COVID-19 free access offer to designers, announced previously on April 1st, 2020. All new Pantone color guides also include 6-months of free access when registered.

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