OPA’s Print Buy-Sell Group at Telegram
07 June 2021: OPA is determined for the service of printers, taking a further leap in this direction, OPA recently created ‘Print Buy-Sell’ App at Telegram platform. Taking in notice of the popular demand of the printers to find suitable buyer for selling machinery/equipment lying unused in the Print Shops and to register, this group is created. This platform will be giving free service to the printers of any region to avoid middleman and to find suitable and needy buyer.
This is a free platform and the group members are allowed to negotiate within themselves. At the same time printers can also register for their requirement of any printing and/or allied machinery. Data of this platform will always be confidential and will not be used for any other purpose.
Speaking on the reason of choosing Telegram platform instead of WhatsApp, Parveen Aggarwal, President OPA said, it is due to restriction on number of group members at WhatsApp we preferred Telegram because it contains more social networking functions. This will allow our 2,00,000+ members to directly interact with one another through live chat and more.
The group is free to use and for joining the group only two steps are required:
# Step1: download ‘TELEGRAM’ App if it is not already available in your device (Phone/Tab etc.) For Android (Google Play) https://telegram.org/android and For Apple (IOS): https://telegram.org/ios
# Step 2: Use the following link to join this most important group: https://t.me/joinchat/LCICxaCJxio3OGE1