OPA Calendar 2021 Released
21 December 2020: The annual Calendar of Offset Printers’ Association (OPA) was released during its AGM on 20th December, 2020. The calendar was released jointly by Mr. Ashwani Gupta, Vice-President (North) at All India Federation of Master Printers; Parveen Aggarwal, President OPA, Manoj Kumar, Project incharge and Prof. Kamal Chopra, General Secretary of OPA. Speaking on the occasion, Manoj Kumar said, that OPA calendar is the most desirable event of OPA. Considered to be the Printers’ Jantri the demand of OPA calendar is increasing year after year.
Ashwani Gupta, who was the Chief Guest during AGM, said I am proud to be here, OPA is not only considered to be one of the most active printers’ association of India, OPA is just like a crown for us. Because, not only the President of AIFMP but the Chairman of the World Print & Communication Forum (WPCF) belongs to this premier association of printers.
Parveen Aggarwal, President OPA said, “We are thankful to the contributors and advertisers, it is because of them that the unblocked publication of this calendar became possible. The copies of the calendar is sent to various printers association throughout India, besides distributing it in the region” he added.