New date set for rescheduled DS Printech China 2021: 27-29 September
11 Aug 2021: The delayed edition of DS Printech China will now take place from 27-29 September 2021 following the postponement from its early August date. The digital and screen printing fair will remain at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre, taking place in halls N4 & N5.
Ms. Wendy Wen, Senior General Manager, Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd. expressed “We are pleased to have already secured new dates with the fairground to give all participants as much notice as possible to plan their involvement. After the successful edition in Shenzhen last year, the first under the rebranded DS Printech name, we are excited to bring the fair to Shanghai this time around, and to provide a much needed boost to the industry’s recovery following the impact from the pandemic. The feedback we’re receiving from exhibitors and visitors at all our events in China this year, is they highly value the face-to-face interactions trade fairs offer after these encounters had been curtailed over the last year.”
DS Printech China, an influential platform dedicated to the digital and screen printing industry, is a rebranded fair of two events: CSGIA and Textile Digital Printing China. The fair is co-organised by Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd, China Screen Printing & Graphic Imaging Association (CSGIA) and Guangzhou Teyin Exhibition Service.