Ministry of Textiles celebrates ‘World Cotton Day’ 2023
09 October 2023: Ministry of Textiles marked World Cotton Day 2023 by hosting a conference centered on “Enhancing Quality & Productivity of Indian Cotton through Policy, Innovation, & Technology Upgradation”. This event was conducted in collaboration with Cotton Corporation of India (CCI) and EU-Resource Efficiency Initiative, an initiative by GIZ.
The conference held on the eve of World Cotton Day, highlighted best practices and sustainable farming methods throughout the cotton value chain, spanning from Farm to Fibre to Factory to Fashion to Foreign. Brainstorming sessions addressed crucial topics, including “Enhancing Sustainability & Circularity in the Cotton Value Chain” and “Cotton Mission for Enhancing Quality & Productivity.”
To ensure that the quality, variety, origin and other vital parameters of cotton are transparent to both Indian and international buyers, CCI launched “Bale Identification and Traceability System” (BITS) using Blockchain Technology. Each cotton bale now carries a QR code that allows easy tracking of its original source, processing factory, storage details and associated cotton quality information, including timestamps.
Additionally, Ministry of Textiles introduced ‘Kasturi Cotton’ program, a premium certified quality cotton with traceability. TEXPROCIL, in collaboration with CCI on behalf of Ministry of Textiles, is overseeing the implementation of this program. All ginners in the country are empowered to produce Kasturi Cotton following quality protocols.
In conjunction with CCI, CAI, and CITI, the Ministry of Textiles unveiled the event brochure for the 81st Plenary meeting of the International Cotton Advisory Committee (ICAC), slated to take place in Mumbai from 02-05 December 2023. The theme for this event is “Cotton Value Chain: Local Innovations for Global Prosperity,” with over 400 delegates and observers expected to attend from more than 27 countries.
Ms Prajakta L Verma, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Textiles, set the context and purpose of holding this event on this historical day of World Cotton Day. She highlighted India’s unique position as the only country with a complete cotton value chain and immense potential for increasing cotton production. She urged all stakeholders to collaborate to elevate the cotton textile industry to become a leading producer of quality textile products globally.