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HomeUncategorizedMake in India 2.0 – Focusses on 27 Key Sectors

Make in India 2.0 – Focusses on 27 Key Sectors

25 May 2021: Make in India initiative was launched on September 25, 2014 with the objective of facilitating investment, fostering innovation, building best in class manufacturing infrastructure, making it easy to do business and enhancing skill development. The initiative is further aimed at creating a conducive environment for investment, modern and efficient infrastructure, opening up industry through positive mindset.

Since its launch, Make in India initiative has made significant achievements and presently focuses on 27 sectors under Make in India 2.0. Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade is coordinating action plans for manufacturing sectors, while Department of Commerce is coordinating service sectors.

Government of India is making continuous efforts under Investment Facilitation for implementation of Make in India action plans to identify potential investors. Support is being provided to Indian Missions abroad and State Governments for organising events, summits, road-shows and other promotional activities to attract investment in the country under the Make in India banner.

India has registered its highest ever annual FDI Inflow of US $74.39 billion (provisional figure) during the last financial year 2019-20 as compared to US $ 45.15 billion in 2014-2015. In the last six financial years (2014-20), India has received FDI inflow worth US$ 358.30 billion which is 53 percent of the FDI reported in the last 20 years (US$ 681.87 billion).

Steps taken to improve Ease of Doing Business include simplification and rationalisation of existing processes. As a result of the measures taken to improve the country’s investment climate, India jumped to 63rd place in World Bank’s Ease of Doing Business ranking as per World Bank’s Doing Business Report (DBR) 2020.

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