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HomeBusinessMacDermidConnect launches Online Commerce Site

MacDermidConnect launches Online Commerce Site

24 September 2020: MacDermid Connect has streamlined and expedited Screen Printers’ customer experience by launching a Online Commerce Site – The online commerce site is designed to make it even easier for customers to purchase Alkemi by MacDermid Graphics Solutions screen printing products. is the latest application deployment of directibility, a technology platform developed by Xenon arc. The site leverages Xenon arc’s intimate knowledge of small-to-mid-sized business requirements supplemented by voice of the customer research, deep data analytics, and fundamental understanding of the customer journey to deliver value at each stage of the process.

Fully supported by a dedicated team of screen printing experts at MacDermidConnect, enhances the experience customers have with the Alkemi line of screen printing solutions. The new site provides new and existing Alkemi screen printing customers with the ability to shop for screen printing materials, receive live technical support, view order status and order history, track orders, view pricing and availability and download documents features over 100 products across multiple applications, including textile, graphics, electronics and industrial applications in the following categories:

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