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HomeDigital PrintingLogoJET Launches Food Safe FSR30 and FSR90 Printers

LogoJET Launches Food Safe FSR30 and FSR90 Printers

17 April 2021: LogoJET of USA is leading direct-to-object printers and has helped more than 1,000 businesses successfully implementation of the same.

“Customization is our bread and butter and now we’re taking the capability we know well to the next level in the food industry.” said Susan Cox, LogoJET CEO.

“While edible printers have been on the market for five years, the FSR Printers represent the next generation in printing on food. These new printers are also a great example of how LogoJET continues to develop ways to add more value for our customers,” said Cox.

“We’ve been beta testing the printers with internationally known candy and cookie makers. We’ve used our customization know-how to work with them to develop integrated workflow solutions – something we’re happy to do with other clients, as well.” Cox said the new FSR printers are built for heavy-duty industrial usage and designed to bring customization to large-scale food manufacturers.

“The FSR30 can print on items up to 2.5” thick and the FSR90 can print on items up to 6” thick. The full edible solution has been in development for 18 months to ensure the best stability and compliance you can expect in the food market. These printers are built on the same industrial platform as our UV printer but formulated with a specific type of edible ink,” Cox said.

“The inks are all made in the USA. The printers use full CMYK printing, creating nice vibrant images with a broad range of colors on various types of food. These new edible inks were developed in partnership with Sun Chemical. Additionally, the components of the inks meet the requirements of the US Code of Federal 21CFR. The inks are certified Kosher and Halal, according to Lon Riley, LogoJET’s chief operating officer.

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