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HomeAssociationsLabelexpo Europe 2022 Moves to 2023

Labelexpo Europe 2022 Moves to 2023

02 February 2022: Tarsus Group, organizer of the Labelexpo Global Series, has today announced that Labelexpo Europe 2022 has been rescheduled, with the event now taking place 11-14 September 2023. The organizing team has made the decision to move the event dates in light of the significant supply chain pressures the European label industry is currently experiencing coupled with the fast-evolving situation in Ukraine.

The decision comes on the back of close consultation with exhibitors, associations and the wider industry, with many directly impacted by the shortage of components and materials. These shortages, triggered by the pandemic, have been escalating over recent months with long lead times now disrupting the supply chain in Europe.

Lisa Milburn, Labelexpo Managing Director said “Firstly, I’d like to acknowledge the support we have had from the industry with many committing to Labelexpo Europe in spite of the issues many of them are currently dealing with, we know the decision to reschedule the show will be as disappointing for them as it is for us. This has been a very difficult decision for us to make, we have been working tirelessly to overcome the supply chain issues and produce the show the industry needs, especially in light of the challenges of the past two years.”

Jules Lejeune, Managing Director, FINAT, also commented “FINAT fully understands and supports the decision that has been taken. Given the existing shortages of chips and components, the current shortages of paper and other consumables to produce labels, and now the major geopolitical uncertainties caused by the situation in Ukraine, there are simply too many hurdles to overcome. FINAT remains a proud supporter of the world’s leading trade exhibition for the label and package printing industry.”

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