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HomeAssociationsIndustry & Govt partnership to reach $5 trillion economy target by 2025

Industry & Govt partnership to reach $5 trillion economy target by 2025

15 December 2020: Addressing Indian Chamber of Commerce’s (ICC) Annual Plenary Session via video conferencing, Minister of Commerce & Industry Piyush Goyal said: “When we celebrate the 100 years of independence in 2047, can we all not resolve to be the No.1 economy of the world.

He acknowledged very important role played by the Indian industry to tide over the COVID pandemic related hardships, to ensure orderly handling of the pandemic and get back to country’s original agenda of achieving $5 trillion economy by 2025.

He said that COVID should be seen an opportunity for all of us, to relook at our businesses, processes, our way of working; relook at our quality & productivity standards. Indian industry rose to the occasion, it expanded capacities to start manufacturing PPEs, masks, ventilators in India.

“Let us all work to ensure that we can meet the needs of 135 crore Indians, needs for good quality healthcare, good education, decent life,” he concluded.

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