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HomeAssociationsFESPA 2023 Munich Energise Print Businesses Focused on Growth

FESPA 2023 Munich Energise Print Businesses Focused on Growth

16 June 2023: FESPA 2023 Global Print Expo (23-26 May 2023, Messe Munich) delivered a stimulating, high-energy environment where visitors and exhibitors focused on opportunities for business growth.

Exhibitors shared overwhelmingly positive feedback, praising the vibrant, busy halls, the decision-making seniority of the audience and delegates’ readiness to invest. 84% of visitors held decision-making positions, a 15% increase compared to 2022. 73% of visitors were MD, CEOs, owners or managers.

The three co-located events attracted 14,776 unique visitors from 134 countries. Investment in new technology was a priority for the majority, with 50% planning an investment within 12 months. Of the two-thirds of visitors choosing to disclose budget, the collective median budget has almost doubled year on year, to Euros 2 billion.

Delegates also committed more time to their participation in the event, with 54% attending over multiple days. This brought total attendance to 22,757 over the four-day show, an increase of 42.5% compared with the Berlin events in 2022.

German printers represented 25% of the total audience, with numbers from the host country up by 38% compared with 2022. Overall, 83% of visitors were from Europe, with the most significant delegate groups outside Germany coming from Italy, Austria, the UK, The Netherlands, Poland, Switzerland, Spain, Czech Republic and France.

The full removal of long-haul travel restrictions further boosted the 2023 events and enabled the return of a host of exhibiting companies. Visitors from Asia accounted for more than 10% of the total audience this year, compared with only 4% in 2022. More than 750 decision-makers from speciality print businesses in Africa, the Americas and Oceania also visited the shows in Munich.

Michael Ryan, Head of FESPA Global Print Expo comments “This year’s events in Munich really proved how positively the international speciality print and signage communities have bounced back. Business leaders from all over the world came with an appetite to understand what’s changing in the market and a determination to innovate and invest to expand their offering. We saw our total audience grow substantially compared with 2022, with more individual visitors investing more time to explore.”

Next FESPA Global Print Expo will take place in Amsterdam, The Netherlands from 19-24 March 2024.

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