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HomeBusinessExtris SRL’s Innovative Plasma Treatment brings Numerous Benefits to their Technical Fabrics

Extris SRL’s Innovative Plasma Treatment brings Numerous Benefits to their Technical Fabrics

18 March 2024: Italy based Extris weaves special fabrics for Screen Printing, for Precision Filtration and for Industrial Application where high accuracy textile micronets are needed. Extris SRL has track record of constantly invests in cutting-edge technologies to ensure the highest quality and performance of their technical fabrics. Plasma treatment is one such innovative technology that brings numerous benefits to screen printing of the technical fabrics by Extris SRL.

The first among these is more hydrophilic surfaces. Thanks to plasma treatment, the surfaces of their fabrics become more water-attracted, allowing the ink to adhere uniformly and stably, ensuring fewer smudges and a better definition of the printed pattern. This is followed by cost reduction. Improved ink adhesion means that a lower amount of colour is needed to achieve uniform coverage. This also reduces costs but also material wastage.

It also increases the lifespan of the screen frame. With plasma treatment, the lower pressure required during the printing process helps reduce the wear of the screen frame. The result is a longer lifespan for the frame and lower maintenance costs over time. The next benefit is improved definition and sharp details. Plasma treatment helps improve the definition and sharpness of details in the printed patterns. This means that they are able to print more complex and high-quality designs, offering stunning results.

Extris provides technical fabrics for precision filtration and screen printing application; ideal when precise tailoring is needed.

Extris technical fabrics are used for the production of screen printing stretched frames or to produce high precision and fine micrometer filters. The company consists of a weaving department with highly sophisticated looms and a fabrication department where high-tech machines are used. These technical fabrics are used filtration, screen printing, agri-food and respiratory protection equipment.

In screen printing, Extris Technical Fabrics have a wide range of applications …

Glass and Ceramics
Extris has developed specific expertise in the production of fabrics for screen printing on glass as well as on ceramics. The Suprex range of fabrics is particularly suitable for these applications as it guarantees high stability and, also due to the plasma treatment, makes it possible to obtain greater adhesion of the photo-emulsion to the surface of the fabric, thus achieving greater durability of the printing frame.
This advantage is particularly useful when printing large quantities. For smaller numbers of prints, Extris suggests fabrics treated with specific acrylic resins that help to reduce dust attraction to the photo-emulsion even in very dusty environments.

Extris has developed extensive knowledge of these markets over the years, becoming the reference supplier for important international fashion groups. Their fabrics offer the utmost guarantee of geometric stability and resolution for the most delicate decorations.
Extris is also a valued partner of numerous Italian and foreign textile printing companies for flat printing applications. Their range of textile screen printing fabrics is among the most extensive on the market, making it possible to print with high density inks or with solid decorations such as glitter, specks, sparkles and water inks for higher resolution decorations.

Decorative Graphics
Extris is capable of handling both small and large format decorative graphic printing demands. In fact, their fabrics for screen printing frames offer high stability and limited elongation capable of creating printing screens up to 400 cm wide.
The range of Extris’ products also includes Expa fabrics, whose high degree of smoothness make them ideal for the creation of smaller screens for bottle and three-dimensional surface decoration applications.

Suprex range fabrics, manufactured by Extris, are made to offer screen printers a reliable and effective component for creating printing frames. Screen printing for electronics is a technology used to place indications and markings on PCBs regardless of the level of integration of the components, as well as to create keyboards or to deposit fine calibrated quantities of conductive substrates.
All of these applications require precision printing, meaning that the uniformity of the fabric making up the printing frame, and its limited elongation during use, are highly valued.

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