Epson launches 4th-Generation Optical Engine for Smart Glasses
18 September 2020: Travel restrictions put in place due to the global spread of COVID-19 have increased the need for smart glasses for business applications, such as remote support for manufacturing industry. The consumer smart glasses market is also heading toward expansion, in part because of demand from individuals who are staying home to watch movies and enjoy social media content.
Given this situation, Epson has decided to start external sales of optical engine modules to accelerate the creation of customer value through its smart glasses in the Moverio series. The new optical engine boasts 1.5X greater density, 5X greater contrast, and a 1.5X wider field of view owing to the use of its silicon organic light-emitting diode (Si-OLED) display and optical technologies. Epson has been working with actual users to develop compact, lightweight Moverio smart glasses that use its own Si-OLEDs to offer high image quality for a range of consumer and industrial applications.
According to Epson, developers and business operators who are considering developing and manufacturing smart glasses can use this advanced optical engine to develop and manufacture smart glasses that provide see-through images of exceptional quality. Advances in artificial intelligence and IoT have caused a rapid increase in digital information, creating an expanding range of applications for smart glasses as a user interface that connects people with that information. Epson seeks to create new value with smart glasses through open innovation with partners.
Meanwhile, Epson will also launch a new business that will use motion-sensing analysis technology developed for Epson’s M-Tracer golf swing analysis system to provide valuable data about the actions and movements of people and objects in everyday life. According to the company, factors such as the spread of COVID-19 and the arrival of a super-aging society have contributed to a general sense of unease. At the same time, expectations are rising for safer and more secure communities in the future as social infrastructure such as transportation and lifelines are increasingly being connected to the Internet of Things (IoT).