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HomeDigital PrintingDuPont Introduces Artistri® Brite P5500 for DTG Inks at ISS Long Beach, USA

DuPont Introduces Artistri® Brite P5500 for DTG Inks at ISS Long Beach, USA

22 January 2022: DuPont has introduced new series for its Pigment Inks portfolio, DuPont™ Artistri® Brite P5500 at ISS Long Beach, CA, USA (January 21-23, 2022).

Artistri® P5500 ink is specially designed for DTG printers (direct to garment), decorators and fulfillment houses who want to transition to or expand their digital printing operations and are looking to achieve repeatably high quality, durable prints through a reliable cost-effective printing process. The new Artistri® P5500 set of ink colors deliver the same great color of P5000 but with improved wash fastness with both press or oven curing and with faster curing times. Artistri® P5590 white ink adds longer shelf life to its customer prized coverage effectiveness and stretchability. The high gamut volume aqueous-based ink set is designed to work in printers with low-viscosity piezo-electric printheads and is suitable for all direct to garment applications, including DTF (Direct to Film).

“Test results clearly show the advantage of DuPont™ Artistri® P5500 Inks in shorter curing times, color gamut, and wash fastness”, said Stephen Richardson, general manager of Impression Technology. “In particular, the outstanding compatibility of these inks with our new print-heads raises our expectations for use in various DTG digital textile printing products that will be introduced in the near future.”

With the DuPont™ Artistri® P5500 ink set, printers will be able to tailor their ink usage to the application without compromising color, fastness and repeatability. “We are delighted to deliver a full solution that helps enable leading printing performance in all the areas that contribute to our customers’ success: brilliant and durable colors with less ink plus reduced curing times for oven and press while still delivering printing consistency and dependability to help lower operations and maintenance costs,” said Eric Beyeler, global marketing manager, DuPont™ Artistri® Digital Inks.

Key Feature Benefit to DTG Printers:
– Brilliant colors: gamut volume > 175,00
– White coverage: L*>92
– Longer shelf life through improved redispersibility
– Dark shirt wash fastness (after 5 washes at 45C) for press & oven cure > 4 (0-5 scale)

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