DS Printech China 2021 to be held in Shanghai
07 April 2021: After the successful conclusion of the debut edition in Shenzhen, DS Printech China 2021 will take place in Shanghai. The trade platform will continue to serve the digital and screen printing sectors in their recovery from the COVID-19 disruption. Meanwhile, the developing trends of customisation and lower minimum orders in the domestic market are expected to present new opportunities at the fair which will be held from 06-08 August at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre.
Ms. Wendy Wen, Senior General Manager of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd. said “Currently, businesses from the digital textile printing, 3D printing and packaging sectors, amongst others, form several clusters across the Pearl River Delta and the Yangtze River Delta regions and account for over 50% of the domestic printing and packaging market in China. Therefore, after DS Printech China wrapped up its launch in Shenzhen we decided to hold the next fair in Shanghai, ensuring both areas that are important to the industry can be covered for maximised business outcomes.”
As a rebranded fair of two existing events, the 30 year-plus CSGIA and Textile Digital Printing China, the inaugural DS Printech China welcomed 200 exhibitors and 8,853 visitors, while there were over 130,000 online participants. The 2020 edition received wide recognition for providing a much needed boost to the domestic digital and screen printing industry as it looks to recover from the effects of the pandemic. Ms Wen commented: “Despite the general downturn in the overall economy, the consensus from exhibitors and buyers was that the event offered valuable opportunities for rebuilding connections and relationships, and as a fair organiser we will strive to offer the same successes for both domestic and international players at the 2021 edition too.”