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HomeBusinessDr. TKS Lakshmipriya Explores Uncharted Territories of Print in ‘Printerstellar’

Dr. TKS Lakshmipriya Explores Uncharted Territories of Print in ‘Printerstellar’

15 May 2023: Educational books offering expert insights and guidance are always welcome in any industry as they provide growth impetus. ‘Printerstellar – Exploring Uncharted Territories of Print’ by Dr. TKS Lakshmipriya, Professor & Head, Printing Technology, Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women, is one such publication. Reasonably priced at Rs. 200, it comprises a preface where the author shares why the book was written followed by messages from leading lights of the printing industry and then, elaborating on relevant topics across three sections.

The first part of this book explores three lesser-known facts and techniques about the most common printing substrate – paper. The second part in this book, introduces three of the recent technologies and how they have a link to the print industry. The third part of this book is a personal experience, proof-of-concept, or case study, of the rare and unique applications of print performed in the Department of Printing Technology at Avinashilingam Institute.

The topics in each section are as follows:
Part 1: ‘Paper – Sustainable and Smart’ has topics like ‘Paper is Green! Please Use and Promote Paper’, ‘Reduction by Utilisation – A Feasible Solution to the Water-Hyacinth Menace’ and ‘Printed Electronics based Smart Printed Paperboard for Green Infrastructure.’
Part 2: ‘Print 4.0 – Arise, awake and stop not’ comprises ‘Why Printers must know Artificial Intelligence,’ ‘Augment your Business with Augmented Reality’ and ‘A Business in 3D Printing for Printers Take it or Leave it?’
Part 3: ‘Printing Technocrats – Philanthropy and Creativity’ covers ‘Developing Open Educational Resources on Print Skills for Differently-abled Students,’ ‘A Step towards Spreading the Pride of the Print Industry’ and ‘Print house of treasures.’ A list of articles published by the author in various print magazines is also provided.

“The topics covered in this book are non-conventional to printing as we see it, yet they share the same umbrella. Looking at it deeper reveals that print is large! Print is an industry that encompasses almost everything under the sun. Thus, when one begins explore the uncharted territories of print, he rises high among all others and becomes a ‘Printerstellar’ – star among printers! Hence the title. I wish that very soon, the printing industry swells with Printerstellars who have been groomed by the few but excellent printing institutes in the country,” Prof. TKS Lakshmipriya affirms.

About .. Dr. TKS Lakshmipriya
TKS Lakshmipriya has over 25 years of teaching and research experience. Since the beginning of her teaching career she has been involved in designing experiments for various Lab courses and conducting hands-on workshops on many themes. She focuses on different means to apply technology to provide societal challenges. Currently, her areas of interest are Print 4.0 Technologies and Sustainable approaches. Her two patents are the outcome of business models designed for the SMEs and the under-privileged. She has contributed over 25 technical papers and has delivered more than 30 technical talks at Printers’ seminars, including hands-on online sessions on digital technology. during the COVID times.

Lakshmi Priya strongly believes in the need for a strong bond between the Academia. Industry and the Government, to foster the students who are the future generation of our nation. She ensures that her students are given education and training along three dimensions technical, entrepreneurial and value-based skills. She works closely with printers associations in developing simple equipment and solutions using Print 4.0 technologies. She has been associated with the prestigious Print Olympiad since 2014 and is its National Coordinator for 2022-23. She is a co-opted member of Governing Council of AIFMP.

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