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HomeBusiness‘COVID-19 & GOD’ – It’s Time for Spiritual Rebooting : By Shripada Bhat, Associate Editor, Screen Print India

‘COVID-19 & GOD’ – It’s Time for Spiritual Rebooting : By Shripada Bhat, Associate Editor, Screen Print India

14 August 2020: A spiritual book narrating some of the near death experiences and global view about God and COVID-19 pandemic. As the world is undergoing prolonged lockdown induced by a deadly coronavirus (abbreviated as COVID-19), a thought process came to me about writing this book upon hearing a common dialogue of people: “Oh My GOD” … uttered out of sheer love or distress. And, the curiosity about God is on the rise ever since COVID-19 broke out; the search to know more about God and spirituality is rising as COVID-19 has brought uncertainty following months and months of lockdowns. The lock down could be further extended as the deadly virus not getting tamed easily in the absence of confirmed vaccination and medicine.

And, ever since COVID-19 pandemic started spreading across the world, ‘GOD’ is being blamed for not controlling the coronavirus pandemic. (You want read plenty of “blame game articles”… just type keywords “Coronavirus and God” in google…). The world’s biggest question is: WHO IS GOD? Yet there is no CONCRETE answer with any proof of “WHO IS GOD” really? Upon Google search for the keyword “God,” you will find all about God in hundreds of articles.

The book is based on my personal experience. This is my first book. I am grateful to for their kind-hearted support to publish this book through their Amazon Kindle Book Publishing (Remember, if you have some thought or keen to write and publish a book, Amazon Kindle Book Publishing is a free platform.

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