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HomeAssociationsCMAI distributes blankets to the needy at the Cancer ward of KEM Hospital

CMAI distributes blankets to the needy at the Cancer ward of KEM Hospital

25 January 2021: As winter season is at its peak, the CSR Committee of the Clothing Manufacturers Association of India (CMAI) distributed blankets to the needy at the Cancer ward of the KEM Hospital, Mumbai.

CSR is CMAI’s ongoing activity and during the COVID-19 pandemic the association had distrubited Face Masks at various localities in Mumbai including hospitals and police departments. As a part of its commitment to social cause and in line with its objective of giving back to the society, CMAI organizes many Free Eye Check-up Camps for Workmen of the Garment Industry in and round Mumbai, Pune, Solapur, Indore, etc.

Established in 1963, CMAI has over 3000 manufacturers and 35000 retailers as members. CMAI is the organizers of the National Garment Fair, India’s Largest Apparel Trade Show in Mumbai. CMAI is the only Indian Association that represents the entire Indian Apparel Industry & Trade on prestigious international forums such as International Apparel Federation headquartered in Netherlands and Asian Apparel Federation headquartered in China.

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