Screen Print India Magazine

Screen Print India Magazine

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HomeHighlightsCharlie Taublieb reveals the technique of “Four Colour Process Printing” at SPI Webinar

Charlie Taublieb reveals the technique of “Four Colour Process Printing” at SPI Webinar

18 November 2020: In continuation of its effort of recharging the screen printing sector, with technical knowledge, Screen Print India organsied yet another Webinar on 6th November 2020. The webinar session was conducted by Charlie Taublieb, Taublieb Consulting, USA, an international expert in garment printing. The Webinar, sponsored by the Screenprinting & Graphics Association of India (SGAI), was well attended by many leading garment printers in Asia and Europe.

Charlie Taublieb enlightened the audience on the technique of ‘Four Colour Printing Process.’ He shared lots of tips and tricks to enhance printing image output and to reduce the strains while four colour printing. He said that ‘four color’ is the most difficult task in garment printing as it involves various parameters to be followed. He said that the biggest reason is the lack of software programme written for this process for textiles. “Photoshop is the programme to use but it was created for paper printing. By changing the parameter in Photoshop, we can get results that work well on textiles.” He thus explained step by step changes that are necessary to be carried out on photoshop as a part of fine tuning the image to be printed before pre-press preparation. He advised that in four color printing process, the color order is: Yellow, Magenta, Cyan and Black. “This color order should hardly ever be changed else there will be severe contamination of colors. And one should not flash between colors.”

Charlie later touched upon ‘Separation Modification, ‘Dot Size, Angle and Shape’, Mesh count, etc. He then touched upon the importance of squeegee and suggested the exact specification of squeegee suitable for textile printing. He said that 75/90/75 triple durometer squeegee can be used in automatic press, 75 durometer for manual and automatic press, 65/90/65 triple durometer where strong color is needed and on automatic press, 65 durometer where strong color is needed on manual and automatic press. He revealed that harder squeegee holds better the details and softer squeegee lays downs more ink.

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