Screen Print India Magazine

Screen Print India Magazine

A Premier Magazine on Screen Printing, Textile Printing, Digital Printing
HomeOpportunities (Page 29)

11 October 2021: The latest round of FICCI's Economic Outlook Survey has put forth an annual median GDP growth forecast for 2021-22 at 9.1%. This marks a marginal improvement from the growth projection of 9.0%

14 September 2021: Through 2020 and into 2021 inkjet and electrophotography printing has secured new markets in labels and packaging. Data from the new Smithers report ‘The Future of Digital Print for Packaging to 2026’

30 July 2021: With a need for trained and skilled workforce in all segment of the textiles sector, Ministry of Textiles has been implementing various skill development schemes and programmes since the financial year 2010-11.

27 July 2021: Offset Printers’ Association (OPA) signed a memorandum of understanding with the Kurukshetra University for establishing channels of communication and cooperation that will promote and advance the system of Printing and Packaging education.

15 July 2021: Apparel Export Promotion Council (AEPC) Chairman Dr. A. Sakthivel lauded the government and Indian exporters for achieving the highest ever merchandise exports of $95 billion in Q1 (April-June quarter) FY 2021-22. “This is

14 July 2021: Dharmesh Shah, Proprietor of Darshil Enterprise, Surat conducted a Technical Workshop on June 26, 2021 for INFID Students on ‘Opportunities in Textile / Garment Screen Printing’ and provided hands-on training to 30

10 July 2021: The former Print Media Center (PMC) Packaging in the southern section and the Print Media Center Commercial in Building 57 are being merged to create one new Print Media Center. The smart

06 July 2021: With the COVID-19 pandemic denting the consumer sentiment due to the imposed travel restrictions and lockdowns in India, the retail industry has been at the forefront of the economic disruption. As the

02 June 2021: The total value of India’s top 100 brands has increased by 2%, from US$162.1 billion in 2020 to US$164.9 billion in 2021, according to the latest Brand Finance India 100 - 2021

01 May 2021: Building on the success and feedback of almost 100 alumni, the ESMA Academy now offers a dedicated online course. Available from any location, this web training covers all aspects of piezo inkjet