Screen Print India Magazine

Screen Print India Magazine

A Premier Magazine on Screen Printing, Textile Printing, Digital Printing


HomeIndustrial Printing (Page 62)

22 June 2021: More effective than N-95, 3-ply and cloth masks. An integration of 3D printing and pharmaceuticals has resulted in a novel type of mask which attacks the virus when viral particles come in

18 June 2021: Toppan Printing (Toppan), a global leader in communication, security, packaging, décor materials, and electronics solutions has developed NFC1 labels combining high-quality metallic design with maintenance of the communication performance required of NFC

17 June 2021: The growing requirements related to the QS and ISO processes demand increased professionalism down to the last step of the screen making procedure, including handling and dispatch of the perfect printing screen.

15 June 2021: PRINTING United Expo is on track to be the global printing event in 2021. The first in-person industry event of significant magnitude since its inaugural 2019 Expo, the fall event which takes

16 June 2021: A revolutionary project sees a team of doctors and researchers from the University of Florence use Mimaki's 3DUJ-553 printer to create three-dimensional anatomical models with an extremely high and previously unattainable degree

14 June 2021: MIT researchers have created the first fiber with digital capabilities, able to sense, store, analyze, and infer activity after being sewn into a shirt. Yoel Fink, who is a professor in the

07 June 2021: The lockdown imposed to curb the second wave of COVID-19 and the paused economic activities in India has caused the vehicle sales to decline in May 2021. However, the full year light

03 June 2021: Future Market Insights' report projects the global wearable medical devices market to expand by 7% CAGR throughout the forecast period of 2021 and 2031. Innovations in biopharmaceutical industry and rising prevalence of chronic

02 June 2021: Xaar, the leading inkjet printing technology group, has signed a cooperation agreement to establish a ‘Joint Digital Printing Laboratory’ with the Beijing National Innovation Institute of Lightweight Ltd. (BNI). The signing ceremony

01 June 2021: Since more than 50 years, Grunig has dedicated itself for the automating and standardizing the screen making process in the screen printing business by means of Screen printing machines. Grunig believes in

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