19 December 2020: European Digital Press Association (EDP) has presented the ‘Best Roll-to-Roll printer up to 170cm’ award to Mimaki for its UJV100-160 LED-UV inkjet printer. Confirmation of this prestigious award also coincides with this
19 December 2020: PRINTING United Digital Experience remains live and accessible in the holiday season through January 31, 2021 for attendees to take advantage of all the education, resources, and new product information from leading
18 December 2020: HP has released its 2021 predictions on how security threats such as human-operated ransomware, thread hijacking, unintentional insider threats, business email compromise and whaling attacks are set to increase in the next
18 December 2020: The new, version 5 release of EFI™ PrintSmith™ Vision MIS software - part of the EFI Quick Print Suite of business and production management tools - delivers optimized performance and enhanced flexibility
17 December 2020: Prof. Shubham Kharat, Printing Dept., PVG's College of Engineering & Technology, Pune analyses the future of printing industry after COVID-19 and gets some of the students share there views.
The COVID-19 pandemic has
17 December 2020: Mack-Brooks Exhibitions has announced the postponement of ICE Europe, CCE International and InPrint Munich 2021, which were scheduled to take place at the Munich Trade Fair Centre in Germany from 09- 11
14 December 2020: Two European Digital Press Association Awards have been awarded to Durst, manufacturer of advanced digital printing and production technologies. They were for its Rho 2500 in the Best Flatbed/Hybrid Printer > 250
14 December 2020: Heard about printed pills, beverages, and water-based products ? A team led by Terry Kaiserman, Chief Technology Officer and Co-founder of Vitiprints, LLC and Ideators, LLC, are known for making pills, beverages,
12 December 2020: Following a successful installation of MGI JV3DS at Bahubali Digiglam Delhi in 2018, Konica Minolta Business Solutions, a leader in world-class printing technology, has installed another MGI JETvarnish 3D One at the
12 December 2020: Retirement is a momentous and extraordinary occasion that marks the turning point of one's life. It is also one of the most memorable and inspiring occasions of life. This is the time