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HomeBusinessBolshoi Theatre of Russia Installs EFI Pro 32r+ LED Roll-to-Roll Printer for Premium Quality

Bolshoi Theatre of Russia Installs EFI Pro 32r+ LED Roll-to-Roll Printer for Premium Quality

19 March 2021: Bolshoi Theatre one of the most historic, and oldest, theatre in Russia, has successfully installed the EFI™ Pro 32r+ roll-to-roll LED printer from Electronics For Imaging, Inc. The printer will allow the Bolshoi Theatre to create stage decorations in higher print quality and on a wider variety of materials. Authorized EFI inkjet partner PRIZMIX in Russia sold the printer to the Bolshoi Theatre, working closely with the company’s principals to establish the best technology solution to meet growing digital production needs.

“The EFI Pro 32r+ is one of the latest developments from EFI with versatile technical characteristics,” said Alexey Safronov, General Director at PRIZMIX. “When we listened to Bolshoi Theatre’s printing requirements, we knew that the Pro 32r+ was the right solution for them. The high efficiency of the equipment is ensured by a reliable platform designed for around-the-clock operation, printing speeds up to 256 sq. mtrs. per hour with media widths up to 320 cm. We are very happy to be partners with EFI and the Bolshoi Theatre and look forward to a fruitful relationship.”

Pro 32r+ printer was installed in Moscow in the Art and Production Complex of the Bolshoi Theatre, where the theatre manages the creation of scenery for stage decoration, including stage linoleum, props and canvases. The printer’s “cool cure” LED imaging helps with lower power consumption, plus it gives the Bolshoi Theatre the ability to print on a wide variety of flexible substrates, including thin or specialty media that cannot withstand the heat required with traditional UV or latex printers. The printer also comes with a host of value-added options, of which the Bolshoi Theatre opted for white ink and a Media Edge Guard, which enables printing on media with uneven or wavy edges, such as textiles and wallpaper.

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