AT&S India Relies on Training and Research Partnerships
21 January 2022: AT&S India has recently signed an agreement with the Vidya Vikas Institute of Engineering Technology and Educational Trust (VVIET), Mysuru. The agreement was signed to jointly develop a curriculum that is tailored to the requirements of printed circuit board (PCBs) manufacturers. Through this industry-academia collaboration, AT&S India is taking an important step towards improving the training of prospective engineers and teachers at one of the most important universities.“
AT&S India works closely with the VVIET and will impart relevant content from the field of microelectronics and manufacturing technologies to students. The students can acquire the skills and knowledge that are necessary for the development of mature production processes. The cooperation includes certification by the two Indian training programs Electronics Sector Skills Council of India (ESSCI) and National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC).
We will for the first time include circuit board manufacturing in our curriculum. VVIET students will have the opportunity to do internships at AT&S India and gain experience in PCB manufacturing”, says Kaveesh Gowda V, Secretary, VVIET.
Research collaborations and partnerships with universities in the vicinity of all global AT&S locations represent an important part of the corporate strategy of the Group. The objective is to retain young talents at an early stage and at the same time to build up important basic knowledge in the field of microelectronics. “This collaboration gives us an important impetus to attract first-class specialists for first-class printed circuit board production”, says Santosh Gundapi, Managing Director & COO, AT&S India.