ASGA Board Conducts Online Meeting
26 July 2024: Asia Screen Printing & Graphic Imaging Association (ASGA), which comprises screen printing associations from 11 leading countries across the Asia-Pacific region, held an online meeting on July 4th, 2024 from 14.00-16.00 pm Beijing time. It was attended by the office bearers of national associations from country members Japan, South Korea, Australia, China, India and Thailand.
The Japanese Screen and Digital Printers Association (JSDPA) representatives introduced their new international member Yuto Kochiya, who has taken over from his father, the late Akinobu Kochiya, publisher of a well-known screen printing magazine from Japan. Yuto Kochiya provided a brief introduction about himself and expressed happiness to connect with other Asian associations who are ASGA members.
The previous meeting’s minutes were presented by representatives of the Thai Innovative Printing Trade Association (TINPA) and approved. JSDPA is also the treasurer of ASGA and its representatives presented the financial report of the association and it was also approved by the members.
The next in-person ASGA Board Meeting will be held on November 11th, 2024 on the opening day of the DS Printech 2024 Expo at Guangzhou, China. There are plans to also have an ASGA Forum held concurrently in which leading international companies and ASGA country members will present seminars on the latest industry/ technological trends like IMD (In-Mold Decoration), CTS (Computer-to-Screen), etc.
Economic Scenario Reports by ASGA Member Countries ..
Each attending country presented their industry and overall country economic scenarios highlighting key developments taking place in the industry:
– JSDPA – Japan’s economy was some stagnant in early 2024, but a modest turnaround may be in sight, driven by stronger wage growth and consumer spending and this will somewhat benefit the printing industry.
– Thailand – Thailand’s economic growth is also sluggish. Around 3-4 Major Chinese PCB factories are coming up and this will help the industrial printing industry sector to grow in the time to come.
– Australia – The domestic outlook remains positive, but weaker growth is expected for 2024. Economic activity in Australia continues to weaken as the year progresses.
– South Korea – South Korea’s economy is expected to slow down in 2024 due to global issues such as rising interest rates, supply chain disruptions and war in Ukraine. South Korea is one of the world’s main producers of electronics, semiconductors and automobiles, and many of the company’s firms are household names.
– China – China has set an ambitious goal of reaching 5% economic growth in 2024. China is one of the biggest beneficiaries of increased globalisation in the late 20th to early 21st century. It has become the world’s largest exporter and benefited from foreign investment and technology transfers.
– India – India has witnessed 7% GDP growth for the last 3-4 years driven by emerging consumer spending patterns, rising household incomes, boost in textile exports, stable government framework and strategies, increase in automobiles, white goods and mobile manufacturing, all of which are fuelling industrial screen printing and packaging industry growth in the country.