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HomeAssociationsAll India Printing Ink Mfgrs. Association (AIPIMA) to Introduces Executive Certificate in Printing Ink Technology Course

All India Printing Ink Mfgrs. Association (AIPIMA) to Introduces Executive Certificate in Printing Ink Technology Course

23 January 2023: AIPIMA Sponsered and Co-Sponsored by PACT (Paints & Coatings Technology Association) & PITA (Printing Ink Technologists Alumni) will be starting an Executive Certificate in Printing Ink Technology Course soon. The seats are available on first register first find the seat basis. First of its own kind in world, with exhaustive new enlightenment on printing ink technology subjects for beginners, students, professionals, entrepreneurs, new aspirants and plain degree holders in science, engineering and other disciplines.

Executive Certificate in Printing Ink Technology Course
Duration: Online (9 Months)
Total: 80 Topics Covered in 100 hours and Overall 5,000 slides teaching materials.
Mentor: Dr Subhash Srivastava
Faculties: Printing Ink Technologists/Educationists
Organiser: All India Printing Ink Mfgrs. Association (AIPIMA)
Minimum Qualification: SSC
Course Fee (Non-Refundable) Discount: – 10% for PITA + GST Applicable
– Economically Backward: Rs.5,000
– Student/Unemployed/Not Economically Backward: Rs.10,000
– Ink Manufacturer/Proprietor: Rs.50,000

Executive Printing Ink Technology Course
– Course Credit – 100 Hours
– Lecture mode – Online
– Timings – 6.00 pm – 8.00 pm
– Days – All Saturdays

– Printing Ink Technology Syllabus
– Inks & Education, Introduction, Past, Present & Future, Ptg ink industry, Ptg ink concept, Ptg Ink substrate, Printing concept, Printing substrate, Colour science, Dispersion Science, Printing ink raw materials, Dyes, Metal Complex dyes, Inorganic pigment, Organic pigment azo, Polycyclics pigments, Metal Effect pigment, Effect Pigment, Natural resin,polymer, Synthetic Resins, Thermoplastic resins, Thermosetting resins, UV oligomers, Polymer emulsion, Vegetable drying oil, Petroleum Solvents, Plasticizers, Waxes, Driers, Printing Ink Additives, Printing Ink Formulation, Letter Press, Offset, Packaging Offset, Web Offset, Hetaset Web, Flexographic, Gravure, Metal Decoration Ink, Screen Inks , Intaglio Inks, Pad Printing Ink, Digital Inkjet Inks, Cont Inkjet Inks, Sublimation Ink, Thermocromic Ink, Photo Chromic Ink, Ceramic Inks, Glass Inks, Aqueous Flexo, UV/ EB Cured Inks, Stationary Inks, Indelible Inks, Hot Carbonizing Inks, Thermal Inks, Writing Inks, Marker Inks, Fugitive Inks, Printing Engineering, Printing Ink Production, Production Management, Marketing Management, Cost & Financial Management, Quality Management, Printing Inks Defects, During Ink Manufacturing, During Ink Storage, During Ink Application, During Service Life, Trouble Shooting, Environment, Carbon Emissions, Safety, Health, Ecology, Sustainability, Reduce, Reuse & Recycle, Printing Ink Legislations & Future Trends in Inks.

Coordinator: Mohan Singh Kathayat, Manager (99696 26765) /

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