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HomeAssociationsAIFMP Office Bearers for 2023-24 – Federation will be represented by leading industry players from across the nation

AIFMP Office Bearers for 2023-24 – Federation will be represented by leading industry players from across the nation

10 October 2023: All India Federation of Master Printers (AIFMP) recently announced its office bearers for 2023-24. Raghabendra N. Dutta Baruah of Seven Stars Publications Pvt Ltd, Guwahati is the President. Ashwani Gulati of Advantage Offset, New Delhi is the Hon. Joint Secretary. Prakash Canser of National Printing Press, Mumbai is the Vice-President (West). Umesh Nema of Pragati Graphics and Packaging Pvt Ltd, Indore is the Hon. General Secretary. Immediate Past President is Raveendra Joshi of United Multicolour Printers Pvt Ltd, Pune.

G. Raveendra Babu of Visakha Print House, Visakhapatnam is the Vice-President (South) whereas S. Surjit Singh of Sur Printer, Imphal is the Vice-President (East) and Sudesh Kumar Gupta of Ambey Printing Press, Jammu is the Vice-President (North). K. Rajendran of Vignesh Offset, Chennai is the Hon. Treasurer.

Established in 1953, AIFMP is the sole representative of 250,000 printers of India and is the world’s largest printers’ association. AIFMP draws its strength from various regional associations spread across the country. For the purpose of strengthening the printing industry, AIFMP supports, participates in and organises a number of regional, national and international events with the aim of lobbying for the interests of the Indian printers, showcasing the Indian printing industry’s achievements and holding technical seminars for educating the printers about global trends and technologies.

AIFMP is the member of World Print & Communication Forum (WPCF), which is a collaborative platform for the world’s major transnational and national printing associations to work together to promote the development and prosperity of the global printing industry. AIFMP has also been at the forefront of initiating significant cooperation among the printers of SAARC countries through South Asia Print Congress (SAPC) to create a shared vision of the future.

AIFMP also facilitates and encourages communication with other printers and allied associations at national and international level to further develop the print and communication market through international and cross-industry networking and knowledge-sharing. ‘Printing Times’ is the official journal of AIFMP, published bi-monthly over the last 44 years.

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