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HomeAssociationsAIFMP Constitutes ‘Expert Advisory Board’ to help to solve Technical Problems of Member Printers

AIFMP Constitutes ‘Expert Advisory Board’ to help to solve Technical Problems of Member Printers

09 June 2021: Printing is a vast subject and a combination of Science, Chemistry, Engineering and Technology. With the rapid development in the printing industry and availability of different types of papers and raw materials it becomes a challenge for the printer who has to face problems like non-sticking of ink, colour variation and issues related to drying. What will be the suitable ink and chemical to suit a particular job and paper, issue of cracking in board, creasing in paper and pasting problems and many more.

With a view to resolve the technical problems of the printer members – All India Federtaion of Master Printers (AIFMP) has constituted an Expert Advisory Board is constituted under the Partonage of Prof. Dr. Rajendrakumar Anayath, Vice-Chancellor, DCRUST, Murthal (Sonepat), Haryana. The other members of this board are:
# Pradeep Kulakkada, Future Schoolz, Cochin
# Panthala Selavam, Pressman Academy, Chennai
# Ganesh Kumar, DQS India Colour Specialist, Chennai
# Tarun Chopra,, Delhi
# Hari Babu, Chennai

The members of AIFMP can highlight their problems through their affiliate association to the federation secretariat at Such problems will be forwarded to the expert advisory board and the solution provided will be shared with the concerned member and will also be highlighted on AIFMP Website for benefit of other members.

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