aeoon Sponsors “BagToFuture” Project
04 March 2022: Austria based aeoon Technologies was in the news for a cause. The company volunteered to print the bags for the students under the project titled BagToFuture.
The economy group of class 7A of the BORG Zillertal (a school in Tyrol) demostrated that doing something for the environment whilst learning something about the future businesses is an important part of their learning for the future. The “BagToFuture” is a real Junior-Company, which was founded by the students for the length of one school year. So, as a company which puts a high value on sustainability and the environmentally conscious shaping of the future, Aeoon Technologies supported this project.
The students’ Junior-Company distributed self-designed cotton bags in order to avoid plastic waste. In order for these bags to look as good as they are for the environment, Aeoon Technologies printed the bags for the students.““This is not Aeoon Technologies’ fist CSR project. As a producer of high-quality digital printing systems, the company relies on well-trained specialists. On November 9, 2021, Aeoon was honoured with “Excellent Tyrolean Apprenticing Company” Award by the Tyrolean Government. This distinction is only awarded to companies that place a lot of importance on high quality in apprenticeships and meet multiple strict quality criteria.