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HomeAssociationsB. R. Chaudhary – Gold Medal to best printing student of CUH, Mahendragarh

B. R. Chaudhary – Gold Medal to best printing student of CUH, Mahendragarh

18 August 2023: Appreciating the efforts of OPA, B. R. Chaudhary (right) said, “Many thanks for instituting a gold medal in my name – a real honour to a teacher by the students. Really you have done a wonderful job.”

The Offset Printers’ Association (OPA) instituted a Gold Medal to be given annually to the ‘CUH Printing Student of the year’ in the name of legendary post press teacher Mr. B R Chaudhary. He hails from Hisar, Haryana and remained post press teacher for several years at Northern Regional Institute of Printing Technology (NRIPT) before joining the Haryana Agricultural University as Press Manager in 1970. Besides his affinity and love for Printing Industry, he also enjoyed working as Dy. Estate Officer, Director, Students Welfare, Security and Transport Officer with Haryana Agriculture University and retired in 2000.

Speaking on the occasion, Parveen Aggarwal, President OPA said, for the best and most appropriate way to recognize the services of a teacher is to institute awards in his name, so that we may not forget the contributions made by him towards printing industry of India. OPA is always determined to work for the growth and development of the printing sector, it is therefore we have adopted a resolution to recognize the talent of printing students and to persuade them for out of box ideas and to look beyond the books to be abreast with latest developments and innovations in Printing. The main purpose is that students may not feel awkward while joining the services and at the same time industry will get future oriented talent. It is therefore at OPA we have decided to organize an Annual ‘Print Competition’ exclusively for the students of printing studying at Central University of Haryana, Mahendragarh. Aggarwal further said that it has been decided to organize an annual ‘Print Competition’ amongst the students of printing studying at CUH. The winning student will be awarded the Gold Medal and a cash prize of Rs. 25,000/- by Vice Chancellor and/or invited VVIPs and it is going to be an uninterrupted annual feature.

Prof. Kamal Mohan Chopra, President World Print & Communication Forum (WPCF) said, Printing is the best invention of mankind till date, Printing is one of the largest and most utilitarian industries globally, one that we are all proud to be part of it. It is important to note that in today’s world of sound bites and fleeting impressions, the here today – gone tomorrow culture, print outlives and outlasts. OPA selected Central University of Haryana, being the premier university of the region providing print education for recognizing the talent of the print students. We have already received the consent of the worthy Vice Chancellor to organize an annual ‘Print Competition’ amongst the currently studying students of printing in the University. The final dates for the competition and award ceremony shall be communicated shortly, Prof. Chopra said.

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